Where was chocolate born?
There are few words in the world that can make your mouth water as if you were a kid, and the most delicious of these words is, without any doubt: Chocolate!
This brown delicious piece of heaven has been present in the history of the world, and if we may add to this statement, chocolate has been present in the history of every person who has been in love in the last 5 centuries.
It´s the main ingredient, Cacao, was of key importance on many social, medicinal and even religious endeavors, making it almost impossible to believe that only few people know the true origins of this versatile almond-shaped seed.
Costa Maya brings to you this magnificent experience called Kakaw. Come to Mahahual and enter a sacred place where a Chaman will teach you the origins of Cacao. Drink it from our traditional ceremonial cups to raise your energy, and get to understand why even the scientist conceded reason to the Mayan people by naming the Cacao three and its fruit as Theobroma Cacao, which means “God´s beverage”.
Learn about how it was used by the prehispanic cultures as a ceremonial symbol, a social token of appreciation, and a trader’s coin giving its holders political power.
Meet the nun who will illustrate how chocolate became a cultural sensation after the colonization of Mexico around 1500 when the monks and nuns who arrived from Spain mixed cacao with other ingredients brought from Europe and how later this chocolate, along with many products made with cacao butter was sent to the old continent to become a central part of the new European life. French perfumes, Spanish lip balms, Belgian chocolate, all of these iconic products wouldn´t exist if it wasn´t because of Cacao.
Finally, jump to the distant future and save the human race from extinction by becoming the chocolate hero who will bring Cacao back to life.
With the help of our scientist you might solve the most important equation in life: How to recreate Cacao?
All of this while you have access to our cured chocolate collection and many other products made with cacao.
We would not recommend you leaving this place without a delicious souvenir in your hands. We can´t blame you if this souvenir disappears in your mouth before you get back to the pier. You can always go back to our market in Callejon del Sapo and get some more.